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NCERT activity 1.3 Class 9 Science with a conclusion

In this post, you will find NCERT Science Class 9 Chapter 1 Activity solutions. In Class 9 science chapter 1 matter in our surroundings consists of NCERT Activity 1.3 Class 9 Science Explanation with a conclusion. You can also go through Class 9 Maths Chapter 6- Lines and Angles.

NCERT Activity 1.3 Class 9 Science Explanation with a conclusion

You are suggested to study NCERT activity 1.3 class 9 science explanation with a conclusion so that you can attempt questions based on the activity 1.3 class 9 science.


Activity 1.3 Class 9 Science

·     Put an unlit incense stick in a corner of your class. How close do you have to go near it so as to get its smell?

·     Now light the incense stick. What happens? Do you get the smell sitting at a distance?

·     Record your observations.

NCERT activity 1.3 Class 9 Science with a conclusion


When the incense stick is unlit then to smell it, we will have to go very close to it but when the incense stick is lightened then we will get its smell from a distance.


 In both cases, the difference is the rate of diffusion. The rate of diffusion depends upon kinetic energy. Gaseous particles have more kinetic energy than solid or liquid particles.

In the case of the unlit incense sticks, solid particles have no kinetic energy so we have to go near to smell them.

When we lighten the incense stick, its volatile particles start moving continuously in the air, so we can smell it from a distance.


We can conclude that particles of matter have kinetic energy, but the kinetic energy in solids is lower and larger in gaseous particles.

Kinetic energy increases when temperature increases.

Questions based on activity 1.3 Class 9 Science

1.  What is kinetic energy?

Ans. The energy possessed by moving particles, bodies, or objects is called kinetic energy.

2.  Name the phenomenon by which particles spread in the air.

Ans.  Diffusion

3.  What is diffusion?

Ans. Diffusion is the phenomenon of the movement of any particles from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. 

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2. Previous Activity - Activity 1.2 Class 9 Science

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